So...sometimes I think no one looks at this blog and I am doing it so Olivia can look back and see what rad parents we Then, I run into someone who says "Oh, I look at Olivia's blog all the time." I think to am a low life....and I am sure you enjoy looking at the same photos because it has been weeks since I have added any. So, in my quest to become a champion mom and blogger (and by blogger I mean photo poster, because I do not operate under the assumption that the readers care that much about our daily on-goings) I am going to TRY to post photos more often...So for all of you loyal checkers...first of all thanks for looking and I am going to try harder to keep this up to date! Hope all is well. gina and the liv pants.

Fourth of July in Sandpoint. Creepy on so many levels.
Had to include it.

Has anyone seen my pipe and slippers?
Yes, I match the bathroom, Yes, my mom is neurotic.

I love small hats.
I check all the time Gina! Love you guys!